Registered Designer
We have recently been working on putting together formal documentation for our Registered Designer credential over the past few months. The ‘Registered Designer’ credential has been available to DANZ members since 1999, however it has not been formally documented with guidelines until now.
There was REA for Engineering disciplines, but nothing for other disciplines, so DANZ set about creation of an equivalent that would span all disciplines in our multi-discipline association. The criteria have thus been established based similarly to the Registered Engineering Associates (REA) credential. The Registered Designer credential is available to ALL design disciplines, not just architectural (which also has LBP).
There is no change to DANZ membership classifications (Full Member, Associate, Retired), as this is an additional and optional experiential credential that any current DANZ member (that has held membership for at least one year) can apply for if they meet the necessary requirements and criteria, which includes experience and qualifications.
More is explained in the below Registered Designer Memorandum, including the definition of a ‘Registered Designer’ and how to apply.
There was REA for Engineering disciplines, but nothing for other disciplines, so DANZ set about creation of an equivalent that would span all disciplines in our multi-discipline association. The criteria have thus been established based similarly to the Registered Engineering Associates (REA) credential. The Registered Designer credential is available to ALL design disciplines, not just architectural (which also has LBP).
There is no change to DANZ membership classifications (Full Member, Associate, Retired), as this is an additional and optional experiential credential that any current DANZ member (that has held membership for at least one year) can apply for if they meet the necessary requirements and criteria, which includes experience and qualifications.
More is explained in the below Registered Designer Memorandum, including the definition of a ‘Registered Designer’ and how to apply.
The Benefits of the Registered Designer Credential
The Registered Designer credential provides considerable benefit to the public, employers, the economy and the recipients.
The Public Benefits by:
The Employer Benefits by:
The Economy Benefits by:
The Recipient Benefits by:
The Public Benefits by:
- providing a means of registration and control of Design Technicians and Technologists based on assessment by industry peers
- offering for use a Quality Mark and Standard based on similar experiential credentials
- encouraging on-going education and competency development
The Employer Benefits by:
- providing an industry based benchmark to assist the establishment of levels of delegation across management, quality, and cost control
- enabling a closer assurance match between proven experience, competency and judgement, with that required
- reduced level of risk through greater security of control and accountability
- fostering ethical awareness and its direct application within industry
- demonstrating recognition of a strong evolutionary and cohesive industry hierarchy
- conveying a message of competence and control in the establishment of public reassurance
- encouraging strength of structure within industry
- promoting on-going knowledge and competency development that inspires innovation
- strengthening career pathways that support career development
- training and succession planning
The Economy Benefits by:
- encouraging greater levels of education
- training and career advancement
- providing a registration system that by its very nature inspires increased productivity
- encouraging industry strength through structured accreditation schemes
- provision of benchmarking across industry that facilitates industry portability, cross pollination, and skills transfer
- enabling recognition of prior learning for suitably experienced immigrants entering the NZ work-force
The Recipient Benefits by:
- encouraging career development
- provision of an accreditation recognised within the industry
- providing a means of distinguishing difference when seeking career advancement
- establishment of recognised benchmarking within industry that enables transfer across the industry
- encouragement of on-going knowledge and skills development
The Registered Designer annual membership fee is $300.00 + GST, and a one off application fee of $100.00 + GST.
To apply click here to email us requesting an application pack.
If you would like further information please Contact Us.
To apply click here to email us requesting an application pack.
If you would like further information please Contact Us.